Find Inner Peace and Crush Your Goals

Find Inner Peace and Crush Your Goals

Do you ever wonder if there’s more to life than the daily grind? You’re a force to be reckoned with who wants to find inner peace. You juggle a million tasks, conquer every challenge, and hold down the fort like nobody’s business. But beneath that...
Emotional Healing: A Love Letter To Myself

Emotional Healing: A Love Letter To Myself

I wrote the following love letter to myself on December 2, 2018 during an exercise at a weekend breathing seminar in which I had to write a letter to myself. This was while I was still depressed, not sleeping through the night, addicted to marijuana, and playing...
Using Your Mind To Feel Better

Using Your Mind To Feel Better

Today’s world is hungry for pharmaceutical medicines. Even conditions that are better off tackled without medication are subjected to this form of treatment. Unfortunately, this is so because the alternative puts the responsibility for successful healing majorly on...