Emotional Healing: A Love Letter To Myself

Emotional Healing: A Love Letter To Myself

I wrote the following love letter to myself on December 2, 2018 during an exercise at a weekend breathing seminar in which I had to write a letter to myself. This was while I was still depressed, not sleeping through the night, addicted to marijuana, and playing...
Tips for Finding Purpose in Your Life

Tips for Finding Purpose in Your Life

One of the toughest facets to figure out about yourself is your purpose in life. You may ask yourself repeatedly, “why am I here?” or “how can I feel more fulfilled?” Answering these existential questions is often not as easy as it sounds, but you can take some steps...
Spiritual Quotes & Sayings to Inspire Your Soul

Spiritual Quotes & Sayings to Inspire Your Soul

Words can be one of the most beautiful ways to express spiritual sentiments and find inspiration. From religious texts to worldly philosophers, you can find words all over the place to uplift and brighten your spirit. Reading the spiritual notions and beliefs of...
Affirmations For When Life Feels Tough

Affirmations For When Life Feels Tough

Affirmations are a beautiful and powerful way to help you shift into a more intentional mindset. Your mind controls your actions, which means repeating and focusing on a specific affirmation can help you gain conscious control of your thoughts which then naturally...