Emotional Healing: A Love Letter To Myself

I wrote the following love letter to myself on December 2, 2018 during an exercise at a weekend breathing seminar in which I had to write a letter to myself. This was while I was still depressed, not sleeping through the night, addicted to marijuana, and playing life’s victim. Read my story.

Dear Queen,

You are loved beyond measure and you are a grand being capable and worthy of living a fruitful, large life. What is unfolding for you is so big and so beautiful. Your compassion for hurting people is admirable and you have a huge fan club rooting for you and supporting you on your journey.

It is OK to come out of that hard shell you’ve built for yourself. You are safe! Your divinity is unleashing in such a powerful way. Know that everything that you’ve ever experienced is perfect and was ordained by you in order to open up the doors of growth and change. Without your experiences, the next chapter in your life would not be possible. It is exactly what you’ve been through that will help so many other people. Everything that has happened and will happen is all part of a grand and purposeful plan. You Rock!


You, your biggest fan.

Self-Love Letters Encourage Personal Growth

Reading back through this, I could never have known the joy and freedom I experience today. This letter was written from a place of deep emotional pain. Although my internal state couldn’t believe it, this letter is exactly how I feel about me today. It was a precursor to my freedom.

So, I encourage you to write yourself a letter as if you are someone else speaking to you. Tell yourself how much you matter, the difference you are making and will make in this world, and brag to you about you. Remember to date it!

Dress For Comfort First At Your Reiki Session

There’s no dress code for Reiki. This isn’t a business meeting, it’s a chance for you to relax and unwind. Throw on your coziest yoga pants, that oversized t-shirt that feels like a hug, anything that makes you feel safe and comfortable. Leave the power suits and stilettos at home, today is all about letting go.

Open Your Mind (and Heart)

While comfy clothes are important, the real key to a fantastic Reiki session is coming with an open mind and an open heart. Reiki is a form of energy healing, and it works best when you’re receptive to it. Let go of any skepticism, and simply allow yourself to experience the treatment.

Set An Intention For Your Reiki Session

Knowing what to wear for Reiki is helpful. More importantly, think about what you’d like to get out of your Reiki treatment. Is it stress relief? Improved sleep? A boost of creativity? Having a clear intention in mind helps guide the Reiki energy and maximizes the benefits.

Remember: You Are The Healer

Here’s the truth about Reiki: you are already strong and capable of healing yourself. I’m simply here as a facilitator, a guide to help you tap into your own inner power. The real healing comes from within you.

Ready to Hit the Reset Button?

The first step to experiencing the magic of Reiki is scheduling your Inner Clarity session. This free session is conducted with a Reiki Master and is all about YOU. We’ll chat about what’s stressing you out, where you feel stuck, and we’ll create a personalized plan to help you transform your life and achieve true inner peace. Sessions are available remotely online and in my office in West Palm Beach.

Click here to register for your free Inner Clarity session today. Let’s get you back to feeling like the unstoppable badass lady you truly are – but this time, with a whole lot less stress and a whole lot more zen.

P.S. Have questions about Reiki? Don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m here to support you on your wellness journey.

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