How To Do A Moon Ritual

Learning to live by the natural cycles of the Universe can improve the flow of your life. Just as a farmer plants seeds at specific times to ensure a bountiful harvest, you can leverage the power of lunar phases to cultivate your well-being.

Whether you believe in astrology or not, you cannot help but notice that human behavior and emotions are influenced by the moon. Just ask any emergency services personnel such as an ER doctor or paramedic. This phenomenon is often referred to as Full Moon Madness.. Even school teachers notice an uptick in their student’s’ restless and rowdy behavior during the full moon.

What is a Moon Ritual?

Moon rituals are an ancient practice that began in cultures that worshipped the moon such as Egyptians. Today, people still perform moon rituals to set intentions, turn their focus inward and manifest their desires. This type of self-care is typically performed during a full or new moon. During a new moon, the sun and moon come into alignment joining their energies. The moon possesses a feminine energy while the sun is masculine. This moon phase is associated with manifesting positive changes in your life. manifestation is a process. Your intentions don’t just pop-up overnight. They simmer and your patience with their perfect timing is a necessary ingredient.

Timing Your Moon Ritual

Although the moon is powerful, manifestation is a time-sensitive process. Your intentions don’t just pop up overnight. They slowly simmer. Having faith and  patience with their perfect timing is a necessary ingredient to successfully manifest your intentions.

Because the new moon marks the start of a new lunar month, it’s a great time to create new habits, start a project or reinvent yourself. Meanwhile, the full moon signifies the end of the lunar cycle and is best for recharging yourself, doing a cleansing or letting go of anything that no longer serves you.

Creating Your Own Moon Ritual

Similar to your everyday meditating sessions, moon rituals allow you to center yourself.  This gives you time to check in with yourself and reconnect. Using the moon as a guide gives you time to quiet your mind and realign yourself with the intentions you’ve made. Here are some ideas for your own full or new moon rituals:

Set A Strong Intention

Write down something you want to manifest clearly and specifically. Think: “Land a job that brings me joy, pays $80,000/year, and is within a 5-mile commute.” Bonus: Say your intention out loud. 

Light It Up

Hold a candle in both hands. Close your eyes and “see” yourself obtaining your intention. Imagine that you are shooting that vision like a ray of light from your mind, down your arms, and into the candle. Light the candle, which has been energized with your intention. Give thanks and let it burn.  

Make A Love Box

Decorate a small box any way you wish. Cut pieces of paper small enough to fit inside of it. Then hold the box and close your eyes. Say a prayer: “Anything placed inside this box manifests into reality.” Then write down lists, intentions, visions, prayers, affirmation, quotes, anything that lifts your spirit. Place it inside the box.

Full Moon Rituals

Take An Energizing Bath

Run a hot bath. Pour in Epsom Salt and a few drops of essential oils. Add a gem elixir if you have one. Light a candle or turn on a Himalayan salt lamp. Place grounding stones around the tub. Play soft meditative music and relax.  

Make A Gem Elixir

During a full moon, one great gem elixir to make is “love water.” Fill a glass jug with water, place add a crystal next to it and an affirmation like “This water is full of self-love, appreciation, respect, and light.” Cover the jug and let it Let the jug sit outside under the moonlight. Drink the water over the next few days.  

Fire Cleansing

If you have a fire pit or know someone who does, Fire Cleansing is a satisfying and purifying ceremony. Light the fire pit as usual. Throw in anything that you want to let go and state aloud that you release it. Please be safe when working with fire. Don’t throw anything flammable or explosive into the fire.

Make a Commitment to Channel the Moon’s Energy

Our moon is the only astronomical body near Earth that has a profound effect on us as well as nature. Even the ebb and flow of ocean tides are directly affected by the power of the moon. Once you are mindful of the lunar cycles, you can use that knowledge to help manage the stress of daily life. These rituals can be done during any lunar phase to set intentions or manifest help for different circumstances or goals. Your ritual may be completely different from the next person but that’s the beauty of moon rituals; you can find what works best for you.

Going Beyond the Blog: Free Inner Clarity Session Invitation

Feeling overwhelmed and stuck? Sometimes, even the best intentions and action plans need external support. If you’re struggling to see the path forward and reconnect with your inner strength, Sheyla is here to help.

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